ENHANCE YOUR NATURAL IMMUNITY * CONTROL HARMFUL INFLAMMATION * COST-EFFECTIVE * SAFEMedical science has established that weak immunity increases the risk of getting cancer dramatically. For example, higher cancer rates are seen in organ transplant patients who must take long-term immune-suppressing medications. On the opposite extreme, an overactive immune system creates harmful inflammation that can also lead to cancer (like colon cancer with colitis or Crohn’s disease, or liver cancer due to chronic hepatitis infection).
How do we find the right balance? We believe the answers are not complicated, and also very affordable!
Medicor physicians believe that the role of vitamin D in cancer prevention should be thoroughly researched. This presents a dilemma because proper long-term cancer prevention studies are very expensive, and simple cheap medicines (like vitamin D) are not profitable enough to cover the costs of such studies. After reviewing the extensive collection of existing vitamin D research, we have crafted a logical, evidence-based prevention strategy that can be used today!
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is of great importance in reducing harmful inflammation, maintaining correct bone structure, healthy cardiovascular function, healthy muscles and a strong immune system (among other things). There is ample research confirming that vitamin D has a role in cancer prevention. Large observational studies confirm this concept, yet for medical experts to consider it “proven”, more detailed, costly studies are needed which take years to complete. Due to the current high rates of cancer, it is our opinion that we need to start taking action now. When the solution is simple, cheap and safe, there is no reason to wait. Recent research confirms that simply recommending 1000 IU per day of vitamin D supplementation is outdated advice. The concept that higher doses of vitamin D are toxic is also outdated, according to newer studies.
We welcome the public to read a collection of research on vitamin D from top scientists around the world, and work with us or their own naturopathic doctors to learn the optimal way to harness this powerful prevention strategy.
Everyone should check their blood level of 25-hydroxy vitamin D periodically. Vitamin D3 supplementation should be taken with a target level in the mid- to upper-end of the “normal” range, under the guidance of a naturopathic or medical doctor. Periodic checking of blood calcium and albumin levels may be needed during high dose vitamin D therapy.