CURRENT PUBLISHED MEDICAL OZONE RESEARCHPresented by Humaira Khan, MBBS, MCPS, MHSc, Medicor Epidemiologist and CEO and Akbar Khan, MD, Medicor Medical Director

A sample of the current research on medical ozone therapy is provided here. The research demonstrates the role of ozone in the treatment of many conditions including infections, cancer, immune diseases, cardiovascular disease and inflammatory conditions. Full text articles are available by clicking the medical journal titles. If the articles are not freely available online, only the abstracts are provided.
MEDLINE (the largest medical database in the world) contains information on published ozone research. This database can be searched by anyone interested in finding medical ozone therapy publications. A collection of over 2000 ozone research papers from around the world are available on this web-based database: Zotero ISCO3 Ozone
Infected Joint Replacement
“This is the first report of a septic prosthetic joint infection completely resolving without some form of surgical intervention, debridement at the least. It is also the first to report such cure without the use of any parenteral antibiotics. This case and world literature suggest that ozone therapy could be considered as a useful adjunctive treatment for hard to treat infection and biofilm.”
Acute Coilitis
“There was significant increase in tissue MDA, MPO activity, TNF-α and IL-1β after ozone administration.” “Medical ozone treatment ameliorated the experimental acute distal colitis induced by acetic acid…”
Diabetic Neuropathy
“…ozone partially prevents diabetic neuropathy in rats. It appears that the
preventive effects of ozone are mediated through oxidant/antioxidant mechanisms.”
Healing Infected Wounds
“Ozone therapy (OT) is systematically effective when pathological inflammatory and immunologic processes are activated.” “Ozone therapy has a beneficial effect on anastamotic healing of the colon in the presence of peritonitis.”

Ozone Inhibits Cancer Cell Growth
“The presence of ozone at 0.3 to 0.5 part per million inhibited cancer cell growth 40 and 60 percent, respectively. The noncancerous lung cells were unaffected at these levels.”

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
“Intraprostatic ozone injection helps to reduce the prostate volume to some extent and can be helpful in patients who have failed Trail Without Catheter even on alpha blockers and are unfit for TURP.”

Port-A-Cath Related Fistula Healed
“…irradiated areas have an increased risk of delayed healing and morbidity after local invasive procedures.”
“Local treatment with ozone can be easy and effective especially when more standard treatments are unsuccessful or are not available. Tissue viability imaging using linearly polarized light can be a very useful tool for objective assessment and follow-up of fibrosis.”
Ozone Treats Back Pain From Herniated Discs
“Low concentrations of medical ozone (20 μg/ml and 40 μg/ml) reduced the serum IL-6, IgG, and IgM expression, presenting as analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects…The medical ozone concentration of 40 μg/ml showed the optimal treatment efficacy.”

Ozone Reduces Chemo Toxicity
“Methotrexate [chemo] administration caused a significant increase of the liver enzymes ALT and AST, the tissue MDA and MPO activity and significant decrease in the tissue GSH.”
“Medical ozone preconditioning and treatment reversed all these biochemical parameters and histopathological changes of the hepatotoxicity induced by [chemo]. We conclude that medical ozone ameliorates [chemo] – induced hepatotoxicity.”

Ulcerative Colitis
“In comparison with colon therapy group [sulfasalazine enema] and control group, ozone therapy plus colon therapy resulted in more rapid alleviation of the clinical symptoms and better histological improvement without any adverse effects.”
“Ozone therapy combined with sulfasalazine delivered via a colon therapy system [enema] is feasible and effective for treatment of ulcerative colitis.”
An extensive collection of ozone research can be found on zotero, a free online database used to collect and share research. Much of the publications on zotero originate in Russia or Europe where medical ozone has been used for decades. Here you will discover further evidence in support of medical ozone therapy.