For the first time in the world, it has been shown that DCA can stop cancer growth for years in humans, even stage 4 disease! Read this exciting publication about a colon cancer patient who continues to take DCA therapy, and is alive and well for over 4 years. Download the PDF (3MB) here. Read as HTML here or click the WJCC logo. Now indexed on Medline!
Over the past year or two there have been several articles in the news and on the internet about DCA, which was claimed to be cheap, safe and kill most cancers .
Hi Dr Khan, I have CLL and have responded well to IBRUTINIB but I want to get rid of this blood cancer.
Can DCA and AVEMAR help?
DCA and Avemar can work synergistically with other cancer therapies. We have seen some cases where adding DCA to conventional cancer medicines resulted in unexpected complete remission.
Please contact the office and come in so we can discuss your therapy.
Is there a test that can determine mitochondrial function that you have found beneficial? Where is it analyzed? I have just read that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is caused by mitochondrial disfunction. Any comments?
Thank you.
I am not aware of any easy way to measure this in a living human. It can be done with cells in the lab though.
Dr. Akbar Khan, My case is that my niece was diagnosed with lymphoblastic lymphoma type B, she is newly diagnosed in the unit of UNOP in Guatemala, and investigating I found that you have a very effective program. We are just waiting for the bone marrow pruba to start chemo. But I would like to know what are the requirements to apply to the program.
My niece does not have malignant cells in the bone marrow, and I want to know if her program with DCA would be a real possibility for her; Sorry I tried to reach you and I hope you can respond to my mail is My name is Oscar Chavez and I’m from Guatemala, If we can apply to your program, you can tell me what it takes to be able to do it and try to stop my niece’s illness, she’s only 17 years old. Thanks so much.
We can help with a telemedicine consultation and by providing DCA therapy, as long as Guatemala will allow medicines to be imported.
My office will contact you to make these arrangements.
My dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that is now in liver but blood work is excellent.. tomorrow is his third chemo ( very light chemo) but he is very week and oncolo will reassess situation … please we need some help .. my dad is a very strong willed man and Is ready to try anything for his family ..!
Pancreatic is a tough cancer, and standard chemotherapy hardly makes any impact on survival. We often recommend combining other medicines to reduce chemo side effects and increase effectiveness. Examples are high dose ozone therapy, high dose intravenous vitamin C, and sodium phenylbutyrate. There are also special types of chemo that are much gentler and also far more effective than standard chemo given in the hospital. These are called “IPT chemo” and “SEF chemo”. I suggest coming in for a consultation so we can review the situation in detail and start new therapies (either combined with the current chemo or to replace it).
Dear Dr Khan,my mother is suffering from metastatic breast cancer with mets in liver,lungs,brain ( multiple mets) in May 2016 .I came to know about DCA very late .Request your fair guidance is there any way to put her in remission .I want to do best for her & your support will be very precious .Request your Frank opinion .Regards,Jaydeep Thacker
One of the nice things about DCA is that it crosses the blood-brain barrier, so it can treat cancer in the brain. Most standard chemos are not able to do that. My office will arrange a consultation, and we can prescribe DCA if it is appropriate.
Hello Dr Akbar Khan
My husband was diagnosed w prostate cancer Stage3 no metástasis PSA 16 . I bought DCA capsules 333mgs what is best treatment that you recommend for him ? He doesn’t want prostatic resección ! Do you think that with this medication can be cured? Which is best complete treatment for him??? Thanks for you response
DCA is one option for prostate cancer. We also use LDN and DMSO for prostate cancer.
We have seen small tumours disappear with ozone injections into the prostate. Many natural medicines are also useful.
I recommend a consultation so we can make a suitable treatment plan.
We have treated this type of cancer before. Aggressive cancer (growing quickly) may not be ideal to treat with the medicines we use since they are gentle and take a little time to work. If standard curative chemo has failed, I would consider IPT chemo or SEF chemo in USA, perhaps combined with one or more of the therapies we offer.
Dr. Khan,
My father has stage IV renal cell carcinoma with bone mets, last new tumor was discovered in his C6 vertebral horn causing pain to his right shoulder and arm, also has soft tissue tumors on his one remaining right adrenal gland and lungs. Lost weight, no longer wants to do chemo or radiation. Very low on energy.
Do you suggest DCA can help him with fighting the disease?
And if so how quickly can he expect to see any improvement/positive results?
He is only 60yo.
Please respond as soon as humanly possible.
Best Regards.
We have used DCA successfully with renal cell cancer before. Another option to consider is intravenous DMSO. Both could potentially be combined. We usually recommend trying for a couple of months to determine how well the therapy will work.
My fiance has early stage breast cancer with 2.4cm left breast tumor, non mets,ER,PR+ HER2-. She is thinking of: two rounds of Saf chemo, then lumpectomy and 6 rounds of Saf chemo. In your opinion is DCA a better bet than Saf chemo?
SEF chemo is quite powerful against breast cancer, but the only issue is pre-operative use of SEF chemo is likely to make the tumour swell as it is dying. So you have to allow extra time for that to settle so you don’t confuse the surgeon into removing more than necessary. Best to come in for a consultation so all the pros and cons can be reviewed (after having seen the oncologist to discuss standard chemo).
Is DCA effective for melanoma?
Yes it is. Please watch our website for an upcoming publication on DCA treatment of metastatic melanoma.
I’m also interested in it’s Melanoma effectiveness. We have a ‘like-a-daughter’ that has just been diagnosed with Stage 3 Melanoma at 18, and I had done previous DCA research years ago for an uncle and cousin with Cancers. In any event, I’m very motivated to find out about DCA’s effectiveness to help her Stage 3 Melanoma. She’ll be getting her Lymph Node operation shortly, but I’d like to know ASAP how to recommend her to proceed as per DCA.
Thank you.
There may be a role for the use of DCA after surgery. I think you will find the publication very useful when it is released, but the patient is welcome to have a consultation with us any time if needed.
So how do I find out how much this drug costs and how do I get a consult?
Please call the office to book a consultation. The medication is available on our new web store and pricing can be checked there:
Dr. Khan
J’étais à la conférence organisée par croqué la vie qui s’est tenu à Brossard à la fin avril. J’ai beaucoup aimé votre présentation ainsi que les autres conférences données.
Je n’ai pas tout saisi de votre présentation car mon anglais laisse à désirer.
Je suis atteint d’un cancer du système lymphatique, lymphomes non-hodgkin de typeB qui est rendu à un stade diffu, côtes,
bassin, vertèbres et dernièrement au niveau des méninges qui vient d’être traité au gammaknife, avec quelques effets secondaires désagréables, mais qui senble avoir bien répondu.
Pour la suite mon oncologue me propose un médicament appelé
Ibrutinib en remplacement d’une chimio.
Après discussion avec ma naturopathe, Isabelle Langevin, qui m’a parlé de votre clinique et du DCA. Je suis très intéressé et j’ai demandé mon dossier médical que je veux vous faire parvenir dans le but d’ouvrir un dossier chez vous.
Si vous pouviez me donner la démarche à suivre pour m’inscrire à votre clinique dans le but d’avoir votre avis sur les possibilités d’utiliser le DCA pour traiter la maladie.
Je sais qu’il y a un coût de rattaché à l’ouverture du dossier et du traitement également.
Suite à cette information je serais plus en mesure d’évaluer ma capacité financière à m’inscrire dans une telle démarche, et
aussi voir, s’il est approprié pour moi.
Merci de l’attention que vous apporterez à ma demande.
DCA pourrait être un bon médicament pour votre traitement.
Nous pouvons faire une consultation et la prescrire, si vous préférez.
Je vais envoyer un email à votre médecin naturopathique avec plus d’informations.
I’m also interested in it’s Melanoma effectiveness. We have a ‘like-a-daughter’ that has just been diagnosed with Stage 3 Melanoma at 18, and I had done previous DCA research years ago for an uncle and cousin with Cancers. In any event, I’m very motivated to find out about DCA’s effectiveness to help her Stage 3 Melanoma. She’ll be getting her Lymph Node operation shortly, but I’d like to know ASAP how to recommend her to proceed as per DCA.
Thank you.
Helo Dr. Khan. I have my mother just diagnosed with T4N1M1 pancreatic cancer. I m a hospice nurse and have research Dca tx for a while. We are not persuing conventional chemo therapy due to poor prognosis. We are willing to travel and start DCA IV when ever possible. We have all documentation regarding tests results and diagnosis. She is in good fisical condition, willing and in good spirits. I live in florida and she will travel with me from Guatemala were she currently resides. We are currently working in obtaining canadian visa to travel as soon as possible. Please advise us into what steps to follow next, to be able to meet with you as soon as possible. Thank you.
IV DCA is not always required, we are seeing great results with oral DCA too. We can do a telemedicine consultation and ship oral DCA to you.
If your mother is planning to come to Canada, please take a look at “safe” chemo as well. We are seeing over 90% success in stage 4 pancreatic cancer patients.
4 June, 2020
Hi Ramiro and Dr. Khan,
I am reading details about your mother”s challenge with Pancreatic cancer a3 years after almost to this day.
I am considering DCA for my spouse who is suffering from High Grade Brain Cancer. Can you Ramiro or maybe you, Dr. Khan fill me in on the treatment of this patient and what was the ultimate result.
I wait for a quick reply from both of you.
By the way I live in Toronto.
DCA is an effective therapy for brain cancer since it penetrates into the brain (unlike most chemos and other cancer drugs). DCA can also be combined with various other therapies for better results.
I will send you a case report we presented at a conference illustrating the potential benefit of DCA in treating aggressive brain tumours.
Hello Dr Khan,
My husband has metastatic prostrate cancer. Not in bones or organs at this point. WE are running out of options as the chemo used have not had the desire effect. IS there any hope at this point that DCA would work in his case?
Where in the west coast of the USA would we find treatment?
Thank you for any help you can offer.
Yes DCA often does work for chemo- or hormone-resistant prostate cancer. There are some clinics in BC where DCA is prescribed. Or we can do a telemedicine consultation and send medication to you.
Do you have any experience in treating metastatic medullary thyroid cancer with DCA?
We don’t have much information on DCA with medullary thyroid cancer.
DCA does seem to work on any cancer type. Not for every person, but every cancer type we have every tried.
Dear Dr. Akbar Khan
Thank you so much for contacting me.
I am Korean.
And my mother was diagnosed with cancer(leiomyosarcoma).
She underwent surgery and underwent chemotherapy.
However, cancer has spread.(lung,bones but there are small now)
We are currently receiving NK cellular treatment in Japan.
And we learned about the DCA from the doctor.
Can we receive or purchase DCA treatments in Korea?
If not, please inform me how to get treatment in Japan. (I already know that there is someone in Japan who receives DCA treatment.)
I earnestly desire your help.
DCA does work for leiomyosarcoma. We have 1 patient who is maintained in excellent health with stable microscopic cancer (leiomyosarcoma) for over 3 years with just DCA and some natural medicines! We can do a consultation and ship DCA to Korea, but you have to check if customs will allow you to import medication.
I am grateful for your response.
I’ve already bought lots of nutritional supplements in America.(somethis like
I don’t think there’s any problem with my DCA too.
I wonder how we can consult.
As you know, we are in Korea. And Canada is far too far away from taking mom.
I can send you all the materials I received at Korean’s University Hospital.
And I think if you want, you can send a letter to a doctor in Japan.
Please let me know what you can do.
We do telemedicine consultation for patients who cannot travel to Toronto. My office will contact you.
Thank you very much!
I will waiting for your contact.
Dear Dr Khan,
I am being treated for hormone positive, stage III breast cancer and had a mastectomy in January 2017. I will not be undergoing chemo or radiation treatment. In April, I had the Greek genetic test done, showing a CTC count of 5.9, so I still have some work to do. The Greek test showed DCA as being 35% effective on my cancer cells. Is your clinic the only place where I can obtain DCA treatment? I live in California.
In Sanata Rosa CA, Dr. Isaac Eliaz uses DCA.
Berkeley CA is the home of “safe” chemo (a chemo-immunotherapy with very low side effects) which is even more powerful and can potentially eliminate cancer cells floating in the blood.
Dear Dr Khan,
Mi madre de 70 años fue diagnosticada en mayo con cancer de ovario de celulas epiteliales grado 4. Fue operada, el cirujano dijo que tiene mucha enfermedad aun por metastasis y que intentaria la quimioterapia con carboplatino.
A la fecha lleva 2 de 6 sesiones de quimio.
Me pregunto si el DCA ayuda en los casos de cancer de ovario. Mi mamá se encuentra muy bien clinicamente y es una persona muy sana y deportista.
Me gustaria tener una consulta online ya que vivimos en argentina (sudamerica)
Muchas gracias !
Dear Dr. Khan,
My mother was recently diagnosed with epithelial ovarian cancer grade 4. She had a surgery and she is actually with chemiotherapy (2 sesions)
I’d like to know if oral DCA could work to her.
Could we have an online appoinment with you, because we live in argentina (south america)
Thank you very much for your time and so sorry by my english !
We usually recommend the diabetes drug metformin to be combined with chemo to make it more effective. Metformin is available all over the world and is very affordable.
DCA can also be used, but our lab research shows it can sometimes interfere with chemo. We have just stopped doing telemedicine consultations because we are too busy.
Dear Dr. Khan,
My mother has been diagnosed with pancreatic adenocarcinoma – stage IV (metastasis in liver). She lives in the Czech Rep. (Eastern Europe) a she started conventional chemo gemzar+abraxan.
Please do you think that DCA can help her with fighting this disease? May we ask you for a telemedicine consultation?
Thank you for any help you can offer
With kind regards
For pancreatic cancer, the standard chemo is not very effective so it is worth adding DCA or metformin or other medicines that can boost the chemo.
Unfortunately we have just stopped doing telemedicine consultations because we are too busy and cannot get them done on time.
Hi, Has there been any esophageal cancer treated with your therapies?
Where are you located, and how can we make an appointment?
Thank you in advance for your reply.
This is a difficult cancer type. The best results we have seen are with “safe” chemo.
Stage 4 doesn’t seem to matter so much with this therapy. As long as the amount of disease in the body is small the chance of excellent results are high, over 80% according to our data. DCA or DMSO may help too, but are not nearly as powerful as “safe” chemo.
hello sir,
have you treated any case of testicular cancer in your clinic, i am based in india want your suggestion on treatment, i have exhausted every chemo that was available here.
now there are few small nodules in lungs,i want a protocol to be followed so confused with lot of info.
We have treated testicular cancer. The type of therapies we use work on all cancer types because they attack features that are common to various cancers (like high glucose metabolism for example, with the drug DCA).
I was diagnosed with level 3 melanoma cancer in 2013. It metastasized to a gland in my forearm. It was confirmed at UCI Cancer clinic. Well, I was told that it was not a good thing, and that I need to prepare for a battle.I started natural herbs treatment. In Four six the tumor in my arm disappeared and became a scar ball. My immune system identified the cancer and killed it. I know this because when the doctors went in to remove the tumor and opened up the spot on my arm – this is what they found. I have been cancer free for almost two years.
My mom is 76. On April 1 2017 was diagnosed with Stage IV NSCLC Adenocarcinoma. She is EGFR, ALK, PDL1 negative, and is not a candidate for chemo because she is too weak from pain in her metastases (one in spine, right scapula, two in hips). The tumor in her lung is about 3 cm by 2.5 cm, and it is not growing.
Two weeks after dx we put her on cannabis oil, now she is getting about 1ml per day (THC:CBD 1:1, 200 mg:200 mg). Also, 2000 i.u of D3, shark liver oil, chaga mushroom 2 capsules per day, and Stamets 7 mushrooms 2 capsules per day.She is also getting Cuban vaccine CimaVax, just in case it might work.
The only conventional treatment she has received so far is radiation palliative treatment to reduce her pain, but it is not very successful. She is on 225 micrograms/ h of fentanyl patch however her pain is not well controlled. She does not respond well to other pain medication.
Would DCA be good fit for her?
We do believe in cannabis oil as a cancer therapy, since we have seen clear results in some patients. CIMAVAX is only supposed to work for EGFR positive cancers, but I don’t see much harm in trying anyway if you have already started. In this situation, DCA (oral or iv) or DMSO iv may be good options. We would need to see your mom for consultation to make a specific recommendation. DCA can enhance cannabis oil too. Side effects overlap so these 2 have to be combined gently.
My sister is stage 4 ovarian and it’s metastasized to her liver and bowels. She’s currently in paliative care and may not have much time left. We’re in Winnipeg Manitoba. What might you suggest as DCA does look promising. Thank You
DCA may improve quality of life in this situation. In rare cases there is a rapid response of the cancer to DCA, then it can prolong life in late stage patients. Intravenous DMSO is also a suitable therapy for very advanced stage patients (according to the human publications and our experience as well).
Is DCA suitable for SCLC? I read about DCA inability to affect SCLC as it is not affected by the mitochondrial hyperpolarisation???
Yes it is suitable for small cell lung cancer. Our best case is a patient who was apparently cured of recurrent stage 4 SCLC with a course of DCA + a single dose of VP16 chemo. Our longest survivor with stage 4 SCLC has been on DCA for 5 1/2 years and remains stable with no visible tumours, but cancer cells measured in the blood, and almost zero side effects.
I know this is a very old thread but my husband has SCLC stage 4 with Mets to spine, liver & prostrate. I have him on oral DCA – I know the half life of first dose is less than an hour so I give him a second dose ( first 250 mg then 2nd 500 mg) and giving it after DMSO to hopefully create a synergistic effect. What do you suggest ?
Half life of DCA increases with repeated dosing. It can be many hours. DMSO can be combined with DCA. Both are safe therapies when used correctly.
Both should be done with medical supervision. Regular blood testing and other basic monitoring is required.
Dr. Khan
Was DCA used for Non Hodgkins lymphoma?
Yes it is effective for various types of lymphoma including NHL. DCA is effective for every cancer type that we have tried it on. It is a broad spectrum anti-cancer medication.
Dear Professor Khan,
Please, what could be a good treatment for stage IV pancreatic adenocarcinoma? As I understand from previous discussion, the traditional chemo is not effective enough.
Thank you very much
With kind regards
Traditional chemo is not very effective and has a lot of side effects. The best therapy we had for pancreatic cancer was “safe” chemo, with over 80% success rate! But we are not allowed to administer it anymore due to complaints from oncologists. It can still be obtained in Berkeley, CA. We have DCA therapy and an new iv DMSO/zinc/manganese therapy that is very promising. We have no data yet for the new DMSO therapy, but DCA is worth trying.
My sister has endometrial cancer which they have located in her uterus, lungs, and recently in her brain. She has one the size of a golfball which they plan to start radiation next week. Do you know if this DCA therapy would be something that might help her? They have her on medication this week to reduce the swelling before doing the radiation treatment next week.
DCA penetrates the brain and is also known to work on endometrial cancer (it can work on any type for that matter). DCA can boost radiation too. Take a look on our ABOUT > MEDICAL DIRECTOR web page to read a very interesting publication of DCA therapy combined with radiation therapy.
Dr Khan,
Is DCA therapy going to help in stage colon cancer metastasized to the liver /stage IV/ or may you have any suggestions. My husband starts chemo Nov.1st.
It can be helpful in about 60% of cases. We have published a great case of a patient with the same cancer and she stabilized with DCA. She is alive over 5 years on DCA with no growth!
My wife is on palliative care following failed attempt at Whipples op for bile duct cancer. She is now very frail and weak and I would like to try DCA. Trouble is we are in the UK. Have ordered some DCA on line and also worried about possible reactions with other drugs she is taking. Oxycontin, metaclopramide, dexamethazone,omeprazole, docusate, zopiclone and levetiracetam.
It is very risky to buy DCA online. The stores selling it are doing so illegally, or the DCA is not proper pharmaceutical grade. If it is the proper drug for human use, it can only be sold by prescription from a doctor. In any case, we have seen some great results with bile duct cancer using DCA. I also recommend looking into intravenous DMSO/sodium bicarb. There is a paper published on this therapy for cholangiocarcinoma. It is very safe, and has fewer side effects than DCA. Try this clinic in London:
Thanks for your reply. I am puzzled that DCA is said to be safe to take but listed as hazard, causing irritation to skin eyes and respiratory system? I have obtained some of pharmaceutical quality >99.9% pure.
If DCA powder goes in your eyes, or if you breathe the powder, it may irritate. But when taken orally or intravenously in the proper formulation at the right dose, it is an effective cancer therapy.
My husband has a stage 4 GIST located in abdominal cavity. Seeds have also implanted in a couple of other sites.
Can you recommend DCA and how can we get the drug for his use?
GIST is an uncommon type of cancer, and I can’t say we have data on DCA use in GIST specifically. However, we have used DCA for many rare cancers with good results.
It is worth trying, and can be combined with Gleevec if desired. All of the medicines we use can work for any cancer type.
My mom was recently diagnosed with endometrioid carcinoma with serous cell components. She is having surgery start of march to remove uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and lymph nodes. They will investigate the progress of how far it has spread after removing these, to help determine if/how much further treatment is required (chemo/rads) Was recommended DCA by a past patient of yours (who lived 19yrs even with a very poor statistical survival rate).. is DCA something we should start BEFORE this surgery/chemo/rads or afterwards? just so I can start to plan when we should get her in for a consult to see you. (obviously if you deem her eligible for this treatment)
Thank you in advance
First, a delay of 6 weeks to surgery is not ideal. In a situation like this, the surgery should be done sooner rather than later.
Second, we have various strategies that we can recommend as preparation for surgery (immune strengthening, diet, and gentle cancer therapy to reduce the cancer and prevent/reduce metastases).
DCA can be started before surgery, and maybe continued after, depending on the exact situation. We should see your mom for consultation. Telemedicine consultation is possible too if she is far from our office.
Diagnosed with multiple myeloma in Dec 2016…16 rounds of chemo…autologous stem cell transplant in July 2017…multiple myeloma returns aggressively in Dec 2017…am now on Dexametheson/Revlamid for 3 months. IGG levels have come down from 20.20 to 10.80 in the 3 months. Treatment has been halted temporarily because the neutrophils have dropped to .7. Might your treatment help me?
We have seen some very interesting results in several types of blood cancers using DCA and also iv DMSO. This includes complete remission (by peripheral blood counts) of end stage acute and chronic leukemia. Myeloma is closely related to leukemia, so I think it is worth trying these therapies. Neither of these would worsen the neutrophil count, or slow the recovery of the count.
Dear Dr Khan,
I was just diagnosed with stage 3 endometrial cancer after a long awaited d and c after 5 months of complaing to my gynocologist of vaginal soreness and a slight urinary incontinence and a smelliness that wasn’t normal, along with a glossy clear vaginal discharge. I wanted to try metronidazole gel and the nurse finally called in a prescription in December which cleared up the discharge but it came back and got worse after they put me on amoxil since a urine culture showed strep group b. Finally, fresh vaginal bleeding started that coincided with the medication of amoxil and tamiflu. The tamiflu caused bleeding in my throat and under the skin at an old scar site on my leg that is a bit unstable. A few days after stopping the tamiflu, I started the vaginal bleeding. At this point I tried another gynocologist who could see me the next day. I had been put off again by my regular gyno doctor. The other doctor did an exam and an ultrasound that showed a thickened lining of the endometrial lining in the uterus. But he scheduled a d and c for a month later and then canceled it due to my high blood sugar. (I cannot tolerate the medicines for diabetes and my thyroid is low and I have ankle inflammation so it is hard to lose weight to help lower it. It runs 180 to 300 usually.) So I went back to my regular gynocologist who did a d and c in a few days and found the cancer and sent me to a specialist a few hours away who told me the diagnosis and recommended the total hysterectomy and removal of some lymph nodes and a possible appendectomy and a look around for bladder cancer or cancer in surrounding structures that could be affected with possible further surgery and possible radiation therapy. This sounds very scary. He also sceduled a CT scan of my chest, abdomine, and pelvis areas on March 13, with a consult about the results on March 27. The surgery is scheduled for April 2, since they do not take my present insurance and my Medicare insurance starts April 1, which they participate in. No one in my area takes insurance for treating anything naturally or nutritionally oriented. Should I do something different or prepare in some way and go through with it? I wonder if I could have more cancer since a mammogram also showed a suspicious area in my right breast and they want me to see a surgeon about that also. I asked my gynocologist if I can wait on that till after the hysterectomy. I still haven’t heard back from him on that. Also, I have a small lesion that has appeared on my face where I had a skin cancer some time back and I have a growth on my thyroid that was biopsied in December that looked benign. The worst pain I have is in my ankle where the mri showed frayed tendons and bone inflammation. I had breast cancer in my left breast in 2007. And a month or so later I had a soccer ball-sized abdominal tumor removed along with the fallopian tube it had engulfed, but they deemed it a benign tumor. I have been going through an enormous amount of stress trying to get any doctor to help me know what to do or take me seriously. I have a very difficult time taking medicines and I want the most natural treatment I can tolerate, but there is almost nothing in my area that is oriented toward anything but drugs and surgery, at least among those who take insurance. Thank you for any advice that could help me avoid complications and have the most effective treatment. I am concerned that no one is addressing my whole health picture.
We should review your medical reports to determine if the surgery is the best treatment. If it is likely to be curative, then it would normally be considered to be the correct initial therapy.
There are several things you should do to prepare for surgery, to reduce the risk of complications and spread of cancer cells. We can advise you about all of that. Also, after surgery, there are advanced tests which can find any potential residual cancer, even if the doctor says you are “all clear”. Please contact the office to arrange a consultation, so we can give you specific medical advice.
Dr Khan. Have you treated other deceases with DCA?
We have tried DCA on a small number of patients with benign tumours, with no results. That’s about it.
Dr. Khan,
Thank you for providing all the useful information. I was planning on taking my brother to your clinic, but he has AML, lives in Germany and won’t be able to travel (Risk of infections). What would be your advise on taking DMSO IV with baking soda ? I heard that now DMSO injections are sold in German pharmacies.
Thank you!
We have seen some remarkable results in end stage AML and CML with iv DMSO/bicarb. Hopefully we will be able to publish some of these results soon.
DMSO therapy should be available in Germany.
Hello Dr. Khan Thank you for the information you have provided on your site. This has been an eye opener for me. My brother was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in May 2016. After diagnosis, he was advised to have his stomach removed and this was done in July 2016. He was told by the surgeon, that they were able to remove all the cancer. About 6 weeks later during a follow up appointment with a radiologist, he was told that they did not get all of the cancer. He has had substantial weight loss during this time, prior to the surgery and diagnoses and his weight has stabilized over the past year. My brother is not wanting chemotherapy treatment and we have been trying to pursue alternative treatments. He has had some success with cannabinoid treatment (CBD and THC oils). My brother would like a consultation with you as soon as possible to find out if the DCA treatment may help him. We live in the Hamilton, ON area. I can bring my brother to Medicor Cancer Centres if we can possibly obtain an appointment for him as soon as possible. Thank you, Deborah
We would be happy to help. My office will contact you.
Hello dr. Khan,
My husband was diagnosed with T-cell cutenious limphoma in 2015. Actually he was sick from 2011, but we couldn’t have any diagnosis.
2016 and 2017 he had total body electron beam radiation. The only treatment which gives temporary relief. This year he tried chemotherapeutic treatment, but it is not work for him.
We found out information about DCA and would like to discuss if this treatment is suitable in his case of limphoma.
We have used DCA successfully for lymphoma many times (reduction or stabilization of cancer). There is a case report published of a complete remission of chemo-resistant lymphoma after DCA therapy. Please call the office if you would like a consultation and treatment plan.
Hello dr. Khan,
my son (26) living in Zagreb, Croatia was diagnised with WHO GIII anaplastic astrocytoma in his left Thalamus in March 2017. Since the tumor was inoperable, he went to the stereotactic biopsy and PHD confirmed the diagnosis. The IDH mutation was found to be of the wild type with no 1p19q codeletion. MGMT testing was not performed.
He was treated with conventional linear accelerator radiation and chemotherapy protocol: 60 Gy in 30 fractions from different angles with concommitant TMZ (120 mg/day) + 6 cycles of TMZ (5+23 days, 320 mg/day). The 6th cycle ended in mid Dec 2017. He passed the radio- and chemotherapy practically without any troubles. The tumor was followed with 3T MRI + spectroscopy showing constant decrease in volume and contrast imbibition and the last MRI in Feb 2018 has shown no progression in the higher grade. However, in the MRI from Jun 2018 a recurrence appeared with additional growth (ca 10-20% compared to Feb 2018), additional areas of the contrast imbibition and very high values of coline presented in MRI spectroscopy. The findings clearly indicated the progression into WHO GIV gliome, i.e. GBM.
Right after the radiotherapy in Jun 2017 he started to use cannabis oil THC (ca 67%)+CBD (50%) and in few weeks reached the 1g:1g level. He has been using that amount since and in Feb 2018 lowered the dosage (ca 0.3g:1g) in order to pass his exams at the University. From May 2018 he is back to ca 0,8g:1g. Will the cannabinoids interfere with oral DCA administration?
He is scheduled next week for another 3 cycles (5+23) of TMZ for treatment of recurrent glioma and the control 3T MRI right after that.
Can he apply for your DCA programme? We are also planning to use Metformin as adjuvant drug.
From our experience, cannabis can cause some side effects when combined with DCA (like sedation, confusion), but these 2 medicines can work very well together.
Sodium phenylbutyrate and metformin are also great chemo boosters. These can be considered, in combination with the TMZ.
Dr Khan,
My husband was diagnosed with grade 2/verging grade 3, oligodendroglioma in August 2014. With only a short spell of 7 months in remission, he has undergone many lines of chemo, to no avail sadly.
We have devastatingly been advised that his cancer has progressed to his brain stem and other parts of the brain. He has lost use of his left arm.
Do you think DCA would be an effective option in this case and if so, is it safe to administer at home?
We are based in Ireland.
We eagerly await your response.
Thanks in advance for you time and consideration.
Yes, DCA can be used for this type of brain tumour. DCA can be effective for any cancer type.
DCA comes in oral and iv forms. Bother are very safe. Oral DCA can be taken at home.
I have been diagnosed with a Grade III anaplastic astrocytoma. The tumor is in my spinal cord. Has DCA been used on this type of cancer, and was it successful? I plan to travel to your clinic as soon as I can get my passport renewed as I live in the US. Thank you for any information you can provide.
DCA can be used for any astrocytoma (also called glioma). It is most well known to be able to treat grade 4 astrocytoma (glioblastoma), but may even be more effective for less aggressive/lower grade cancers. We do telemedicine consultations for US patients.
Dear Dr. Khan,
Do you have experience with melanome uveale? My mother has stage 3 mets gathered in her liver. We are wondering if DCA would help her. She is 75, healthy, no complaints or symptoms and started a ketogene diet 6 weeks ago.
Looking forward to your respons
We do have good experience with melanoma. We published a great case of a young melanoma patient who did very well on DCA for several years. Uveal melanoma will also respond, just like skin melanoma (we estimate about 60% chance DCA will work).
Dear Dr. Khan,
My father was treated for Hep C in 2009 and since 2011 , no longer has this virus. However, his liver is damaged and has cirrosshis. In 2015, they found early stage follicular lymphoma and was treated with Rituxin as immunotherapy. He did not handle the treatment well and after every treatment he either had an infection or ended up in the hospital. His non hodgkins lymphoma is now back since July 2018 and is now in an agressive stage b-cell. His oncologist immediately sent him to receive R-CHOP to treat it. He had 1st round and then developed CDIFf, and was in the hospital receiving treatment against the infection when things went really downhill. He has been in ICU for the past week. Once recovered, R-CHOP is not going to be possible. Our oncologist will not move forward with it. Will DCA help? I have reached out to the Medicor and am waiting to hear back. We are also in New York. How would we be able to access this treatment?
I would be grateful for a response as soon as humanely possible.
Patiently waiting,
Thank you,
Yes, we have used DCA for lymphoma many times and it does work for a good % of patients. I think it’s definitely worth a try since it is much safer than R-CHOP or even plain Rituxan.
We can do a telemedicine consultation and send medication to USA. You just need the family doctor to help out by ordering some basic tests for monitoring.
What are your thoughts/recommendations for(NHL)Mantle Cell Lymphoma?
We have treated all kinds of lymphoma successfully using metabolic therapy and immunotherapy. Since the methods we use rely on features that are common to almost all cancers, the exact subtype of cancer is not important. E.g. metabolic targeting blocking glucose use in the cancer cell can work for any type of cancer including rare tumours.
A patient was diagnosed with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour (NET) with multiple liver metastases 4 years ago. Chemotherapy was initially effective, showing reduction in tumour size, however side effects did not allow it to be continued longer. After 2 years of stable disease without treatment, the latest MRI, liver tests show signs of progression. Do you have experience with DCA in NETs and specifically pancreatic? Would you recommend to try DCA in this case? Thank you!
A patient was diagnosed with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour with multiple liver metastases 4 years ago and treated with chemotherapy until intolerance developed. After 2 years of stable disease without any treatment the MRI shows signs of tumour progression. Do you have DCA experience in NETs, and specifically pancreatic? Would you recommend DCA in this case?
We do have experience with various types of neuroendocrine tumours, including pancreatic. Please take a look at our iv DCA publication for an example of DCA therapy of neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer with massive liver metastases.
Hello Dr. Khan,
My Mom has stage IV stomach cancer/ peritoneal carcinomatosis diagnosed 3 years ago and she developed malignant ascites few months ago which is getting drained about every 2 weeks.
She started on chemotherapy from the start.
She lost a lot of weight and recently she became so thin and weak that she can’t walk and is tired all the time. She is not able to eat solid food properly which is making her more weak.
I heard about DCA recently and would like to know if you think it might benifit my Mom.
I am living in Canada however my Mom is in the Lebanon/middle east.
Please let me know if you can help as I am desperate.
Thank you
DCA may be useful, and also other medicines such as high dose vitamin C. If chemo is ongoing, metformin can be considered as a chemo booster.
In Lebanon, ozone therapy is also available. This can reduce chemo side effects and also enhance the current cancer therapy.
Hello, I am from Vancouver Canada. On Jan.3rd my mother of 85 has been diagnosed with liver cancer (not a candidate for surgery); “findings are consistent with a moderately differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma, Edmondson-Steiner grade 3/4”. My son found out about DCA medication and tempted to buy a product made in Europe. Of course I want to help my mom but I am not comfortable to administer something without prescription, on my own, due to possible side effects. Currently, to this day, my mom is still awaiting treatment (spot radiation or chimo) and a consultation with a radiologist. It might be that her age puts her at the bottom of the list. On top she has a Portal vein thrombosis and she suffers from an advanced (80%) blocked aretery in the neck (not a candidate for surgery). She is thin, sensitive and has been like this for 40 years, since she had a nasty case of hepatitis B. We are of European descend. We will much appreciate your advice on the purchase and administration of DCA. With lots of gratitude, I look forward to receiving your reply.
Thanks for your message. DCA may be a suitable therapy for your mom, but it does have some side effects that may be an issue for an 85 year old. Take a look at our DCA web page for more information:
We have used DCA for 80 – 90 year old patients. The dosing has to be adjusted accordingly, and specific natural medicines are routinely combined to reduce the chance of side effects. Another medication that can treat any cancer, and is gentler is low dose naltrexone (LDN) Ozone therapy may be available in BC as well. This is very safe and can boost other cancer therapies substantially by assisting the body’s natural ability to remove cancer cells, and to heal.
If you need a specific treatment plan for your mom, we can do this by telemedicine. We can also ship medications. Please go on our website and download the new patient forms:
Completed forms should be returned by fax to 416-227-1915 or by email to Yasmine at
Thank you.
Dear Dr Khan,
I have mantle cell lymphoma in duodenum. I am a retired nurse aged 67. I had 2 cycles of RCHOP in UK which I was unable to tolerate and I felt like I was dying so it was discontinued. I am now on watch and wait. I have moved to Spain where I was unable to find a naturopathic doctor and I’m still waiting to be seen by a haematologist. I started to self medicate oral DCA bought from a reputable source about 6 weeks ago. I am up to the full dose two weeks on and one week off. I’m experiencing tingling and numbness in fingers, toes and feet. I can tolerate it so far but is it ok to continue or should I stop? I have no measurable markers and it doesn’t show up with scan. It was discovered by biopsy which I do not want to repeat. If I continue how long should I take DCA for?
You need to reduce the DCA dose since you are having a side effect (neuropathy). We always monitor liver enzymes during the start of DCA therapy since it can affect the liver in about 2% of patients. Also, you have to find a way to measure the cancer to see if DCA is working. Either endoscopy or perhaps some blood test will show it (ask the hematologist). We have had success treating various lymphomas with DCA and also low dose naltrexone (LDN) in combination with natural therapies like high dose vitamin C.
Hello, my name is Kitty Harrington. Our dog, Kayla, has been diagnosis with glioma brain cancer. The prognosis is very grim. We don’t want to put her through surgery or radiation to only entend her life by a couple of months. May consider chemo and steroids. Right now she is on 260 mg of phenobarbital and 20 mg of prednisone. We went to a holistic dr and he recommended we try adding 2 ml of DCA sodium to her food. My concern is, is there any drug interactions between her medication and the DCA? We are also going to start administrating CBD oil. Thank you so much for your assistance.
DCA has very few drug interactions. Have the vet email me directly for assistance.
Dr. Akbar Khan, please tell me what you think of therapy; Breast cancer stage 4, liver metastases. DCA. Metformin, high doses of vitamin C and cannabis. They do not interfere with each other? thank!
I am not aware of any interactions between these medicines, except cannabis and DCA can have similar side effects.
When combining these 2, I start 1 medicine at a lower dose and increase gradually.
Dr, Akbar Khan, my name is JU IL, KIM, south Korean MD. I’ll have to give a presentation in front of many doctors about DCA therapy for cancer cure on June 16,2019. I am learning a lot about DCA therapy through your treatment experience. I respect and thank you for this. DCA therapy is known to have an oral & iv roots. And I know that iv root is more effective and have fewer side effects. Here, I have one question. Is the injection used for IV made by your hospital or by a pharmaceutical company? Can you tell me how to make the injection if your hospital made it on its own? And If it’s from a pharmaceutical company, can you introduce it to me? Please give me an answer and a brief introduction to the DCA therapy. Let me introduce your teaching to Korean doctors. Thank you so much!
Dear Dr. Khan
My brother was diagnosed with Stage 4 RCC back in Dec/2018. He started Sutent and took that for 2 months and it did not work at all and made him weaker and made him lose much weight then Started on Nivolumab and it worked with him for shirt time where cancer reduced in size and then next 2 months it has shown that it was growing again … now he is on Lenvatinib in Combination With Everolimus. He is very very weak and lost so much weight. He had surgery where the removed the cancer in his head and another infection from bacteria after the head surgery .. he is on medication for the bacteria now as well ( 45 days ) .. we are running out of options it seems .. would DCA work ? please help us .. how can we get it if it can .. we are in Jerusalem Israel.
Thank you so much
We have used DCA successfully for several patients with renal cancer. The good thing is that it is not immune suppressing. It does make some people feel tired or sleepy though (but that is a temporary side effect, and it depends on the dose). If your brother’s doctor is willing to monitor DCA therapy, then it may be worth trying.
Thank you so so much for replying to me .. My brother is growing more tired and out of energy always now and he is on his third line or medicine combination : lenvatinib and everolimus
His doctor will not accept that he takes DCA or any other medicine that has not been approved for treating RCC cancer as he said .. do you think he can take DCA and it will not interfere with what he is taking now ? We got for him 50 grams of DCA and also got Alpha Lipoic Acid, Thiamine Vitamin B1 , DMSA synergy and also got Panacur C ( Fenbendazole )
We also have many Vitamins available if needed for him
Do you think we can combine these that we got recently for him to try out ? He is 52 years old and he weighs now about 58 KG only ( used to be 120 KG ) ….
Can you please help us ? we can pay you if needed, no problem … we really want to be able to help if we can since it seems nothing is working
His first medicine he tried was Sutent ( Sunitinib ) and it did not work at all, then he tried Nivolumab and it worked for 2 months ( then cancer grew again ) .. now on third line ( lenvatinib and everolimus )
and it shows that it is probably working partially ( we do not know what that means but we see him grow weaker by the day …. we are helpless and are crying for help .. please help us
warm regards,
There is no research yet on combining DCA and levatinib, but DCA has very few drug interactions. It can often make other cancer therapies work better. If you need help to make a DCA treatment plan, we do offer telemedicine consultation. Please go to the document downloads section of the website to get started. Some help from the family doctor is needed to order routine blood tests for DCA monitoring.
My mother in law was diagnosed with signet ring adenocarcinoma in May 2019.
She is in India and the treatment till date is as below
First Line: FLOT(Fluorouracil, Oxaliplatin, Leucovorin, Docetaxel) — Tumor Shrunk by 80%
Maintenance(Flucovorin, Leucovorin)
She was then diagnosed with Leptomeningeal spread on 28th November – Started w/ intrathecal methotrexate(9 cycles): Spinal Fluid Clear
Second Line: Pacliaqualip, Ranucurimab – Cancer progression
Third Line: Irinotecan
We recently got RGCC test done, and the cancer cells show sensitivity to DCA, 2DG, Artimisinin, and Ascorbic Acid.
We have got the MRI done too and there is a progression in the brain.
Is it possible, if you can review the RGCC test and help us with the protocol.
Also, will you be able to provide 2DG and DCA as it is not available in India, I can courier it to India from here.
ESTIMADO Dr ,soy la Dra Sandra Narea de CHILE, a mi madre le diagnosticaron cancer pulmon grado 4 con metastasis osea,nos han hablado del DCA y tenemos la posibilidad de traerlo desde Argentina,no estamos claros de este tratamiento y si hay interacciones con otros medicamentos ,porfavor necesitamos su ayuda ,podremos hacer una consulta de telemedicina ? se lo agradeceria infinitamente
Dra Sandra Narea
We do telemedicine consultation to help patients around the world use exciting new therapies like DCA.
More information can be found on our website:
Do you have an experience using DCA as treatment for bladder cancer?
Can the initial consultation be done over the phone or internet?
We have used DCA many times for bladder cancer. It does work for a good % of cases.
We are not currently doing telemedicine consultation.
Dear Dr Khan,
I am taking 50 mg/kg daily, orally. Are there any supplements you would recommend?
Thanks Kindly
Please take a look some of our DCA publications for dosing and supplement information, then consult with your doctor. For example: