Metastatic Lung Carcinoma

DCA Treatment after Single Dose Etoposide Chemotherapy

A 77 year old male diabetic former smoker from South Dakota requested treatment at Medicor for recurrent metastatic biopsy-proven small cell lung carcinoma (recurrence confirmed by PET/CT scan). Original treatment consisted of radiation combined with cisplatin + etoposide chemo, and prophylactic brain radiation. He received a single cycle of oral etoposide chemotherapy for the recurrence, but then refused further chemo due to severe side effects including low blood cell counts. Two months after chemotherapy, we began treating the patient with DCA therapy, DCA was administered for 3 months and resulted in a complete remission. The patient remained well and had no evidence of any recurrence of cancer several years after completion of DCA treatment. He received no further conventional cancer therapy after the single dose of etoposide. Notes from his oncologist confirm complete remission and survival over 4 years from the time of diagnosis.

The oncologist commented: “Alternative therapy from Canada begun November 2007….Amazingly, this patient continues to show no evidence of disease despite both his diagnosis and his failure to tolerate any reasonable attempts at therapy. This is certainly gratifying.”

The patient did not contact us again for further treatment and we have lost after 2009. If the patient is alive today without evidence of cancer, he will be in remission because of DCA therapy for over 15 years.

This case represents one of our best responses to DCA (in this case, soon after a single cycle of chemo). Cancer patients reading this report should keep in mind that the likelihood of such an excellent response is estimated to be 0.5 – 1% based on our own patient data from 2006 to 2008 and based on our original dated DCA protocols. Our DCA protocols have evolved substantially since then, with significantly improved outcomes. For example, refer to our latest MOMENTUM DCA protocol.