LDN & Cancer Documentary

“The use of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) in cancer treatment has been examined for some time and now we are about to reveal a major breakthrough in its use to treat and kill cancer cells, the documentary investigates the break through in cancer treatment using Low...
ONCOblot® Educational Video

ONCOblot® Educational Video

Enjoy this video presentation in four parts: featuring Dr. David Taggart as he lectures on the ONCOblot blood test (parts 1 and 2), followed by a lecture from Medicor’s own Dr. Akbar Khan (part 3), concluding with a Q+A with both doctors (part 4).    ...
自費1700元 驗血查癌症 此事誰批准?兩部門互推

自費1700元 驗血查癌症 此事誰批准?兩部門互推

Can cancer be detected through a simple blood test? April 18, 2016. Article posted on Ming Pao Canada. 【明報專訊】一間位於北約克、央街4576號的「癌症中心」,最近刊登廣告表示,他們可通過驗血﹐立刻知道一個人是否患癌。不過這個驗血服務需要自付費用 1,700元。該計劃暫時未得到聯邦政府衛生部批准,目前也是在尋求美國食品和藥品局的批准。對這間「癌症中心」在加國衛生部沒有批准的背景下﹐可否經營...