About Medicor

Medicor opened in 2006 based on the vision of Dr. Akbar Khan, who felt strongly that the government-funded health system was inadequate to meet the needs of cancer patients. At first, the focus of Medicor was to provide personalized integrative supportive services to Ontario patients and outsource advanced cancer treatments to specialized centres outside Canada. By 2007 Dr. Khan changed the focus to in-house integrative non-toxic cancer therapy (allopathic + naturopathic) based on requests from Medicor patients.  Dr. Khan gained international recognition for his pioneering clinical work using off-label dichloroacetate in patients with cancer.

Over the years, various additional gentle yet powerful cancer therapies have been added, such as dimethylsulfoxide and low dose naltrexone. In 2015 the focus was broadened to include cancer prevention in addition to cancer treatment, since prevention is the single most effective method of combating cancer. This service was badly needed since the medical system seemed to give little emphasis to effective prevention methods that work for all cancer types. Finally in 2018, Medicor expanded its role in cancer prevention to include treatment of conditions that predispose to cancer, such as inflammatory and auto-immune diseases. The addition of medical ozone therapy has allowed a much more effective attack on cancer and many non-cancer conditions that are based on disordered metabolism within the body.

Medicor Office Tour

Take a quick tour of the healing environment we have created at Medicor. Office design by Dr. Humaira Khan, Medicor President (wife of the Medicor Director),

“The possibilities for medicine in our high-tech era are nothing short of astounding. But the health system is choking on the pace of progress, hampered by old-school management and humbled by the enormity of change needed to realize our ambitions.”

Marcia Kaye, uoftmedmagazine.utoronto.ca, Winter 2017

“At Medicor we are not only ready for change, we are leading the way with a novel overall approach to cancer. We don’t allow health system rationing or politics to influence medical decisions, and we simply base our work on the latest scientific information from around the world.”

Humaira Khan, MBBS,MHSc, Medicor CEO

A New Paradigm of Non-Toxic Cancer Treatment

Many conventional cancer therapies (like cytotoxic chemotherapy) have limited success rates and potential life-altering side effects. Patients are increasingly educating themselves about the true risks and benefits of conventional therapies, and are choosing natural medicines to lessen side effects, or are choosing evidence-based alternative therapies that are more humane, and have a more promising outlook. Cancer treatment should not be a trade-off between quality of life and improved survival.

Our goal is to meet the needs of these patients. We offer a number of evidence-based allopathic therapies to address this need, such as “side effect free” chemo (SEF chemo), dichloroacetate (DCA), low dose naltrexone (LDN) and dimethysulfoxide (DMSO). We also offer a variety of evidence-based natural therapies such as nano-carbon curcumin, MSM, oleanolic acid, caffeic acid, intravenous vitamin C, European mistletoe extract, high dose vitamin D, magnolia tree extract and many others.

“In 2007 Patrick Sullivan’s toddler son, Finn, at a tender 21 months old, was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer of the soft tissue that mainly affects children. At that time, 30% of kids with rhabdomyosarcoma died within 5 years…Has medicine changed since then?…the death rate of children diagnosed today with Finn’s condition? It’s the very same…”

Marcia Kaye, uoftmedmagazine.utoronto.ca, Winter 2017

“To improve upon the ‘standard of care’ we must first recognize the deficiencies. Are patients told that traditional chemotherapy only makes a minor contribution to long-term survival in adult cancers? We need to accept the data, alter our approach, and not look back.”

Akbar Khan, MD, Medicor Medical Director

Leading Clinical Experience with Dichloroacetate (DCA)

Sodium dichloroacetate (DCA) has been studied as a unique metabolic cancer therapy since 2007 when Bonnet and Michelakis published a combined in vitro / in vivo rat study demonstrating the value of DCA in treating human lung, breast and brain cancers by a new mechanism: inhibition of the mitochondrial enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase. This causes cancer cells to become starved for energy (main energy source is glucose), and the cells then undergo natural cell suicide (apoptosis). Medicor Cancer Centres was the first cancer clinic in North America to begin prescribing DCA off-label to cancer patients (in April 2007) under the full supervision of a medical team. We have treated over 2000 patients with this promising non-toxic therapy, and we have published several papers on its use in humans. Now hundred of publications from around the world support DCA as a cancer therapy. Learn more about this unique metabolic cancer therapy.

“In the 2014 Commonwealth ranking of health systems in 11 countries, how did Canada rank in overall quality? Not first. Not second. Not even in the top 5. No, Canada came second last…on several measures, we came dead last…the U.K. ranked first overall, despite spending less per capita than we do.”

Marcia Kaye, uoftmedmagazine.utoronto.ca, Winter 2017

“Prevention is the most affordable and effective method of dealing with the current wave of chronic diseases, including cancer. But the health system places little focus on this unexciting strategy. Fancy (and costly) new drugs get all the hype, and funding. We are changing that with simple yet powerful cancer prevention strategies which are overlooked by mainstream medicine!”

Humaira Khan, MBBS, MHSc, epidemiologist and Medicor CEO

DMSO / Sodium Bicarbonate Intravenous Infusion

Dr. Ba Hoang has published the world’s first human research on DMSO / sodium bicarbonate for the treatment of cancer. Dr. Hoang, MD, PhD, is a professor at the Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California. We were honoured to have him visit the Medicor office to educate us on the correct use of his DMSO protocols. We now have years of experience using intravenous DMSO. This therapy has significant benefits in terms of pain and symptom control, as well as cancer control or cancer reduction, with mild side effects like headache or garlic-like odour. We have even witnessed regression of end-stage acute leukemia and chronic leukemia using this gentle, safe therapy.

“In order to change a system as massive as diverse as ours, we need to struggle against the inertia of the status quo…”

Michael Decter, uoftmedmagazine.utoronto.ca, Winter 2017

“At Medicor, our anti-cancer strategies are dynamic. We are constantly looking at new cancer therapies, and balancing the cost, efficacy, and safety before we make them available. Cancer is a national emergency – stagnation is not an option.”

Akbar Khan, MD, Medicor Medical Director

“We need to change the regulatory framework to advance things faster…Nobody wants to harm anyone…But we have to start asking what harm we do by not changing.”

Prof. Gary Bader, uoftmedmagazine.utoronto.ca, Winter 2017

“New therapies can take a decade to complete clinical trials and become ‘approved’. Cancer patients don’t have the luxury of time. At Medicor we focus on scientifically valid off-label therapies, which legally can be used without undue delay.”

Akbar Khan, MD, Medicor Medical Director

“What needs fixing? Foremost, we must repair the pathway by which discovery becomes care…for some cancers technological advances have enabled determination of whether a patient is responding to therapeutic intervention within days, not months — the latter a waiting period dictated by current (sub)standard of practice. Further still, we have technology in the pipeline that can determine whether a patient will respond to therapy ahead of initiating it.”

Prof. Michael Julius, uoftmedmagazine.utoronto.ca, Winter 2017

“Testing in advance to determine if a therapy will work is available in USA and Europe. Despite being validated by research, unfortunately it is rarely recommended at major cancer hospitals, partly because it is not government funded. At Medicor we have been offering such testing for over 13 years.”

Humaira Khan, MBBS, MHSc, Medicor CEO

Embracing the Digital Age

Medicor embraces and utilizes digital technology to the maximum extent possible. Technologies used range from routine electronic patient communication to electronic record-keeping on our proprietary secure servers.

Problem Solvers

Each patient is unique and we treat you as a person with a problem to be solved. Not a statistic, or a diagnosis that has to fit into a pre-existing standard “approved” protocol.

Forward Thinking

At Medicor we understand the urgency of innovative cancer prevention and treatment for Canadians. We rapidly develop innovative programs backed by science and cut through red tape to bring advanced anti-cancer strategies to you today.

Patient Support

Through our unique integrative care program, we are able to provide consultation services and ongoing patient support, giving patient peace of mind.